Jacqueline Challet-Haas's paper "Principal 'KIN' Usages and Rules Differing from 'LAB' Usages and Rules" is now available online. This article was originally written for the 21st ICKL Conference in 1999. The whole article has been revised with some updates, new layouts and graphics in 2020. Now it is available in English and French at Centre National dÉcriture du Mouvement en Cinétographie Laban website.
Note on the April 2020 publication:
This Technical Paper, revised by Jacqueline Challet-Haas, Raphaël Cottin and Noëlle Simonet, has been copied as close as possible to the original, while harmonizing the typography. The kinetograms have been revised as well as certain reformulations which seemed to us to contribute to greater clarity. The original paper can be consulted on request in the CNEM archives, deposited at the library of the Centre National de la Danse in Pantin, France.