Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Dance Notation Record (1943-1960)

Submitted by DNB Staff - October 11, 2015 (Updated November 27, 2016).

Digitized from the Dance Notation Bureau Collection at The Ohio State University’s Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute by support from the Dance Preservation Fund. 

The Dance Notation Record, published from 1943-1960, contained discussions about Labanotation theory and applications, and news from the Laban community.

Dance Notation Record, Index of Titles and Information, Volumes I - VI, 1943-1955

Untitled Newsletter (January 1943?)
Topics: Excerpts from Laban's Letters; News of the Bureau Members and Friends; Encouragement from our Advisors (Hanya Holm and John Martin); Announcement about the Dance Notation Record.

Vol. 1, No.1 (March 1943)
Topics: Jumps; Foot Positions; New Use of the Symbol for Top of the Foot; The Symbol for Tremolo (Shiver); News Notes.

Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 1943)
Topics: The Relation of Body Rotation to Stance; Blind Turns; Symbols for Repetition.

Vol. 1, No. 3 (September 1943)
Topics: Directional Variations; Symbols for Repetition Continued; News Notes.

Vol 1, No. 4 (December 1943)
Topics: Indirect Way, or Derivation; Symbols for Repetition Concluded; Notation in the News.

Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 1944)
Topics: Gestures and Supports that Produce Sound; Indirect Way Continued.

Vol. 2, No. 2 (June 1944)
Topics: Shoulder Movements; Exact Center; Above and Below Signs; News Notes.

Vol. 2, No, 3 (September 1944)
Topics: Sequential Movement.

Vol. 2, No. 4 (December 1944)
Topics: ["Rhythmical and Spatial Contents of a Notation Score and the Technique of Reading Such a Score"], by Irma Dombois-Bartenieff and Felicia Saxe.

Vol. 3, No. 1 (March 1945)
Topics: Body Waves and Impulses; The Lindy Hop.

Vol. 3, No. 2 (June 1945)
Topics: Dance and Notation Definitions (Contraction, Release, Tension, Relaxation, The Tango).

Vol 3, No. 3 (September 1945)
Topics: Curved Paths, Way signs; Three Kinds of Hold Signs.

Vol 3. No. 4 (December 1945)
Topics: Floor Plans and Entrance and Exit Staves; Notes from Laban.

Vol 4. No. 1 (December 1947)
Topics: Stance; The Body and the Third Column; "Facing" a Direction; Contraction of the Limbs; Degrees of Wide Steps; Direct and Flexible Bending; Return to Normal Sign; Short Hand for the Laban Notation; Signs for Degree of Turn and Room Directions Inside Turn Signs.

Vol 5, No. 1 (November 1951)
Topics: Editorial; New Teaching Methods; New Light on the Shift of Weight Problem.

Vol 5. No. 2 (January 1952)
Topics: Rights and Copyrights, Part One; New Teaching Order; The Use of Bows; Step-Turn Variations; Undeviated Curve.

Vol 5. No. 3 (March 1952)
Topics: Rights and Copyrights, Part Two; Rule on the Occurrence of Aerial Steps; Use of Place Middle for Gestures.

Vol 5. No. 4 (May 1952)
Topics: Editorial; Use of Bows; Way Signs; Rotations; How to Copyright a Dance Work; Index to Issues of the Record.

Vol 5. No. 5 (July 1952)
Topics: Use of Key Signatures for Rotations; Rotating the Head; Bending the Head, Head Circles. Head Circles with Rotation;  Space Constant Signature; Flexing Described in Different Ways; Inbetween Degree of Turn; Inbetween Stage Directions.

Vol 5. No. 6 (September 1952)
Topics: The Center of Gravity; Focal Point for Circular Dances; Focal Point; Turn Over Right or Left; Use of Numerals in Turn Signs; Soutenu Turn - Correct Performance.

Vol 6, No. 1 (1953)
Topics: Labanotation - A New Name; Revision of the Repeat Signs; Chart of the Repeat Sings; Chart of Analogy Signs; Timing of Leg Gestures During Jumps.

Vol. 6, No. 2 (1953)
Topics: Shifts - A New Writing Rule; Straight Way Signs - Other Uses.

Vol. 6, No. 3 (1953)
Topics: Arm-and-Body Movements; Interrupted Flow; Tibetan Dance.

Vol. 6, No. 4 (1954).
Topics: Space Problems-The Life and Times of Orientation Problem; Revolving on a Straight Path; Parts of the Foot-A Slight Revision; Distance of Low Leg Gestures.

Vol. 6, No. 5 (1955).
Topics: Unwritten Actions in Steps and Jumps; Comments From Our Readers; Half Supports; Bounces; Glissades - Different Styles.

Vol. 6, No. 6 (1955).
Topics: Editorial; Emphasis Sign; Space Hold - Detailed Writing of a Tour Jete  and Amalgamated Turns; Spot Hold - Undeviating Aim; Flexions. 

Vol. 7, No. 1 & 2 (May & June, 1956).Topics: "Labanotation and Liberal Arts," by Helen Priest Rogers; "The Quality of Movement," by Dmitri; "Editorial," by Nadia Chikovsky; "Research: The Chasse," by Ann Hutchinson; "School Forum," by Lucy Venable; "Shop Talk," by Albrecht Knust and Maria Nicholson; "Tots and Teens," by Jeri Packman;  Publications; Directory; "Tippy, Tippy, Tiptoe," by Jeri Packman; "Hopscotch," by Constance Carney; "Side-Forward Impulse," by Sigurd Leeder"; Two Dances from Rio," by Dmitri and Regina Lucia; "Zanyism," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Adventures of Yussov Space," by Dmitri.

Vol. 7. No. 3 & 4 (Fall 1956).  Topics: "Graduate Thesis," by Virginia Moomaw; "Eduational Dance - An approach to Teaching Dance Through Labanotation," by Valerie Preston; "Editorial," by Nadia Chikovsky; Research: Details of the Hands," by Ann Hutchinson; "School Forum," by Lucy Venable; "Shop Talk," by Harry Haythorne; "Tots and Teens," by Jeri Packman; "Review: Sixteen Dances in Sixteen Rhytms," by Selma Jeanne Cohen; "The King of Beasts," by Ruthann Carr; "Old Mother Oxford," by Mireille Backer; Yemenite Dance," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Korobushka," by Joan Gainer; "Zanyism," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Yussov Space," by Dmitri.

Vol. 7, No. 5 & 6 (1956). Topics: "Fueillet's L'art de Decrire la Danse," by Irmgard Bartenieff; "Editorial," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "For the Notator," by Ann Hutchinson; "School Forum," by Lucy Venable; "Shop Talk, Forum" by Albrecht Knust et al.; "Shop Talk, Bureau," by Maria Nicholson; "Tots and Teens," by Jeri Packman, Directory; "La Folie d'Espagne pour Femme," by Irmard Bartenieff; "Zanyism," by Nadia Chilkovsky.

Vol. 8. No. 1 (Spring 1957). Topics: The Bureau at Work; "Editorial,' by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Question Box - Some Writing Problems," by Ann Hutchinson; Review of 'Juilliard Notation Workshop,' by Martha Hill; Review of "Abriss der Kinetographie Laban" (Albert Knust), by Lucy Venable; "School Forum-Boston Has the Floor " by Lucy Venable; Tots and Teens: "Lovely Evening," by Jeri Packman; "Kalamatinanos," by Alice Lattimore; "Barefoot Walt," by Dmitri; "Le Cancan," by Georgette Weisz Amowitz; "Shop Talk, Abroad," by Albrecht Knust et al.; "Shop Talk, USA," by Maria Nicholson.

Vol. 8. No. 2 (Summer 1957). Topics: "The ABC of Jazz Dance," by Mura Dehn; "Editorial," by Nadia Chilkovsky; Letters to the Editor; Review of 'Warren Lamb Lecture' by Jane Winearls; Review of "Better Dancing with Fred Astaire" (William C. Shoenfeld and Ann Hutchinson), by N.C. [Nadia Chilkovsky?]; "For the Notator: Phrasing a Gesture," by Ann Hutchinson; "School Forum: Maud Kool on Plies," by Lucy Venable; General Meeting; "Shop Talk," by Nadia Chilkovsky; Jazz Steps," by Roni Arnold et al; "Jazz Fugue," by Danny Daniels; "Sleepy Time," by Constance W. Carney.

Vol. 8. No. 3 (Fall 1957). Topics: "Teaching Dance Through Notation," by Albrecht Knust; "A Matter of Policy," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Notation for Children - A Creative Experience," by Jeri Packman; Classrooms Around the World; "Letter from the Editor," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "For the Notator," by Ann Hutchinson; "'Grapevine' Patterns," by Albrecht Knust; "A Trip to Yugoslavia," by Diana Baddeley; Review of "Teddy Bears' Picnic' and 'Little Rag Doll'  (Gertrude Hallenbeck,) by Ruth Ann Carr; Review of  "Modern Stage Dnace Branch Syllabus" (Zelia Raye), by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Shop Talk," by Nadia Chilkovsky; Letters to the Editor; "Kalendara," by Diana Baddeley; "Greensleeves," by Joanna Scot; "Turning Waltz," by Jane Winearls.

Vol. 8. No 4 (Winter 1957). Topics: "Basic Techniques of Amerindian Dance," by Gertrude P. Kurath (Tula); "Niels Bjorn Larsen on Notation - An Interview, by Ann Hutchinson; For the Record - An Editorial; Library Additions; "Tots and Teens - Basic Tap Steps," by Jeri Packman; Review of "Butterfly Etude' (Patricia Bowman), by Alicia Craig; "Letter to the Editor" by Olga Fricker; Review of "Sugar Plum Fairy," by Rose Lorenz; Shop Talk; "Pueblo Indian Corn Dance," by Gertrude Kurath.

Vol. 9. No. 1 (Spring 1958). Topics: "Dresden Notation Congress," by Dr. Wilhelm Fraenger & Albrecht Knust; "A Complete Record for the Dance: Film-Notation Project," by Helen Priest Rogers; "Shakers Come to London," by Margaret Abbie; "Notating 'My Fair Lady'," by Els Grelinger; "Letter to the Editor," by Maria Szentpal; "Tatantella," from Kiss me Kate (choreography by Hanya Holm), notated by Ann Hutchinson; "For the Notator," by Ann Hutchinson; "Reel," by Jeri Packman; Pinocchio (choreography by Norman Craig), notated by Alicia Craig; Shop Talk.

Vol 9. No. 2 (Summer, 1958). Topics: Editorial, by Nadia Chilkovsky; Calypso: Trinidad Carnival Songs & Dances," by Dr. Daniel J. Crowley; "Afro-Cuban Dance Steps," (choreography by Leor Luders) notated by Alice Lattimore; "Some Characteristics of Brazilian Dance," by Dmitri; Crotan Indian Steps," (choreography by Fred Howard), notated by Joanna Scot; "Sun Dance,"by Jeri Packman; I'm Glad I'm Not a Rubber Ball!, choreographed and notated by Rose Lorenz; Shop Talk

Vo1 9. No. 3 & 4 (Fall Winter, 1958). Topics: Editorial; "As I Know Laban, " by Adda Heynssen;  Milestones in Laban's Life; Foreign Press Comment; "The Roots of Laban Notation," by Albrecht Knust; Laban Movement Keys;  Junior Dansnotator Cover Girl; Junior Dansnotator News; Cross-Step Puzzle; "Tots and Teens," by Jeri Packman; Young Dancer's Career Book; Primer for Dance, Book I & II; Music for Ballet Dancing; Waltz Combination, by Rose Lorenz; Laban Effort Scales

Vol 10. No. 1 (Spring, 1959). Topics: Editorial, by Katrine Amory Hooper; "In Memoriam: Doris Humphrey," by Marian Van Tuyl; "Further Thoughts on Albrecht Knust," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Laban Six Scale," by Katrine Amory Hooper and Irmgard Bartenieff; "Jan Even Forms," (choreography by Jan Even) notated by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Opposition Waltz," (choreography by Sigurd Leeder) notated by Ann Hutchinson; "Junior Dansnotator"; "Country Capers," choreography and notation by Rose Lorenz; "Junior Dansnotator News," by Harriet Kane; "Cross-Step," by Jeri Pacman; "President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Teacher's Question Box," "Shop Talk.

Vol 10. No. 2 (Summer, 1959). Topics: Editorial; "Doris Humphrey, Explorer," by Margaret Lloyd; "Notating Doris Humphrey's Work," by Lucy Venable, "With My Red Fires," (choreography by Doris Humphrey) notated by Rena Gluck, Els Grelinger, Muriel Topaz, and Lucy Venable; National Notation Conference; Junior Dansnotators; "Country Capers," (choreography by Rose Lorenz); "Notation Crossword Puzzle," by Jeri Packman; "President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; News.

Vol 10. No. 3 (Fall, 1959). Topics: Editorial, by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Editor's Questionnaire," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Introducing Notation to Youngsters," by Toni Intravaia; "Duet in Folk Style," choreography and notation by Toni Intravaia; Junior Dansnotator, "Contry Capers," choreography and notation by Sally Gibbard; A Step to Explore. "A Run or Leaf"; "Gavotte," by Rose Lorenz; Junior Dansnotator News; "National Labanotation Conference Report,"by Maria Nicholson, News.

Vol. 10. No. 4 (Winter, 1959), "Topics; Notation for Dance Ethnology," by Gertrude Kurath (Tula); "Four Greek Syrtos," notated by Alice Lattimore; "Agnus Dei," choreography and notation by Dorthy Creed; Notes on Contributors; "Nu Er Glatt I Hverjum Hol (Islandic Dance), notated by Minerva Jonsdottir; "Presidents Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Junior Dansnotator," by Harriet Dollin; "A Step to Explore: A Step-Leap in Ballet Style -- Grand Jete En Avant," by Ann Hutchinson; "Valse Brilliant: A Waltz with Leaps," by Rose Lorenz; Junior Dansnotator News; "Tracing Box," by Katrine Amory Hooper; News.

Vol. 11. [1959 or 1960],  Topic: The Laban Six-Scale.

Vol. 11.  No. 1 (Spring 1960). Topics: "Twentieth Anniversary", by Katrine Amory Hooper; Re-Construction of the Basse Dance," by Irmgard Bartenieff; "Basse Dance, 'Filles a Marier'," notation by I Bartenieff; "baroque Dance," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "The President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "My Introduction to Dance," by Harriet Kane; "A Step to Explore (A Jump)," by Ann Hutchinson; "Marching Marionettes," by Rose Lorenz; "Junior Dansnotation Forum," by Harriet Kane; "Thank You, Nickie!," Report of the General Meeting," "Book Reviews."

Vol. 11.  No. 2 (Summer 1960). Topics: Editorial, "Interchange"; "The Notation of Details in National Dances," by Albrecht Knust; "A Comparison of Certain Notational Dance Steps," by Albrecht Knust; "A Letter from Poland," by Diana Baddly; "Philadelphia Branch Page, by Nadia Chilkovsky; "The Presidents Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Notation Notes," by Lucy Venable; "Formation of a Laban Group," by Lynn Larado; "Introducing Tibetan Dance," by Tai Ai-lien; "Tibetan Dance," notated by Tai Ai-lien; "A Trip To Paris" (A Country Dance of England, by John Playford), notated by Mireille Backer; News and Notes at Home; News and Notes From Overseas; "Dansnotators Win First Prize,"
"Letter to the Record," by Florence Bartova; "A Distinguished Guest of the Junior Forum," by Julie Opricio; "Hand Jive," notated by Nadia Chilkovsky; A Step to Explore-A Skip," by Ann Hutchinson; "Hop Scotch," by Rose Lorenz; "Notation."

Vol. 11. No. 3. 4 (Fall-Winter 1960). Topics: Editorial (Hail and Fare-Well!), by Katrine A. Hooper; "If Ignorance is Bliss," by Harold C. Sproul; "Thin Ice...An Interview with Maribel Vinson Owen," by Katrine A. Hooper; "The Dancer Eyes the Ice," by Ann Hutchinson; "Skating," notated by Ann Hutchinson; "Ethnic Dance and Labanotation," by John Mann; "Panorama of Dance Ethnology" [condensed], by Gertrude Kurath (Tula); "The President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson Guest; "Two Notators in King Arthur's Court," by Alan Miles; "Philadelphia Branch Page," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Dance Films: Past - Present - Future!"; "Don Quixote" (Girls's Variation from "Pas de Deux"), notated by Margaret Abbie; "Modern Dance Technique" (Taught by Norman Walker); News and Notes; "Junior Dansnotator," edited by Harriett Kane; "Excerpts from 'Menuetto'," choreography by Ann Hutchinson; "Christmas Party - December 11th" (Games), by Ann Hutchinson; "Gym Notations," by Susanna Organic; Book Review ("The Fun of Figure Skating"), by Maribel Vinson); Letters to the Editor.