Among the numerous gems in the Dance Notation Bureau archives is a treasure trove of minutes and related papers for DNB theory discussions from 1954 to 2000. We hope making these documents more accessible would be helpful in the ongoing discussion and evolution of Labanotation and Motif Notation.
The following is the list of years and topics:
1954 Discussions
1954, 1956
Topics: Shape Writing; Space and Spot Hold; Movement Analysis; Key Signature; Rotations (Secret Turn); Hands
1956 Discussions
Topics: Hands (and Parts of)
Topics: Shape Writing; Shape Writing with Deviations
Topics: Guidance; Inclusion; Facial Features
January 4, 1956
Topics: Dynamics; Emphasis; Place Gesture
Topics: Way Signs; Accents; Addressing; Ad Libs; Arms; Bar Lines; Bows; Cancellations; Cannon; Castanet; Center of Gravity; Chest; Circular Path (for Limbs); Degrees; Rotations; Sitting; Step Turn; Terminology; Torso Shifts; Vertical Bows
Topics: Group Notation; Deviations; Divided Columns; Paths; Relationship Pins; Repeats
Topics: Shape Writing; Ad Lib Shape
1957 Discussions
Topics: Eukinetic Feeling; Expression; Facing; Focal Point; Gliding
Topic: Inclusions
March 18, 1957
Topic: Divided Columns
Topic: Divided Columns
Topics: Stage Indications; Space and Spot Hold; Revolutions
May 13, 1957
Topic: Group Notation
May 16, 1957
Topics: Props; Parts of Body
Topics: Parts of Body (Limbs); Path in Space
1981 Discussions
Topics: Black Diamond; White Pins; Degree of Rotation; Inclusion Bow; Action Resulted in Support; Simultaneous Contraction and Rotation; Addressing; Labeling Floor Plan; Gesture link to the Step; Movable Parts; Awareness Bow; Keys; Time Signature; Bows
Topics: Track Pins; Leg Rotation; Key
Topics: Validity; Cancellation; Column Cancellation
Topic: The Inner Subsidiary Column
Topics: Unification Paper; Path; Facing Pin/Front Signs; Hop Turns; Contraction; Repeat Sign; Foot Hook; Divided Column
Topic: Time Signs
Topics: Definitions (Black Pins, the Foot, Notating Positions of the Feet)
Topics: Direction from Body Part; Other Topics
November 9, 1981
Topics: Checklist for Labanotation Score; Shifting Weight; Closing Position; Hip Movement
Topics: Checklist for Labanotation Score; Shifting Weight; Closing Position; Hip Movement
Topics: Foot Hook; Tracking Pins and Relationship Pins; Center of Gravity; Front Sign resulted from a Turn
Topics: Body Parts (Shoulder); Unfold and Limb (neither stretched nor bent); Folding
1982 Discussions
Topic: Validity
Topic: Effort
Topics: Space Measurement; Sliding Spring into Second; Hip, Pelvis Movements; Hook Sign for the Top of the Foot; Arm Contracting/Folding and Extremity; Palm and Thumb Facings; Passive Sliding
Topics: Planes; Present Signs; New Signs; Situation of the Plane; Constant Plane; Uses; Comments
Topic: Monopin Analysis
Topics: Black Accent Sign; Ad Lib; Proximal Pins; Games
Topic: Path Sign
Topics: The Placement of Hooks on Rotation; Ad Lib; Change of Direction and Change in Level
Topics: Validity; Extremity of the Arm; Flexion; Single Hooks on Support Symbols; Time Signs; Scoring; Arm Turns
Topic: The Arm as a Multi-Jointed Body Part
Topics: Validity; Cancellation
Topics: Connecting Bow; Dotted Line and Carets; Cancellation; Design Writing
Topic: Arm Turns
1983 Discussions
Topic: Contraction of the Arm
Topics: Arm Flexion; The Conference of Movement Notation; Various Concerns of Notators and Reconstructors; Questions about Floor Plans, Autography, Ad Libs and Other Notation Issues; Validity of Modifiers to Steps and Gestures; Body Key; Ad Lib Runs; Sliding on the Hip; Fermatas; Elimination of Upbeat Turns; Zed Carets; Tick Marks; No Friction; Floor Plans
Topic: Validity
Topic: Validity
Topic: Jan Moekle’s Validity Proposal
March 29, 1983
March 29, 1983
Topic: Validity
May 18, 1983
Topics: Inclusion Bow; Body Hold vs Retention Hold; Palm and Hand; Staff; Ad Lib and Accents; Arm
Topics: Inclusion Bow; Body Hold vs Retention Hold; Palm and Hand; Staff; Ad Lib and Accents; Arm
Topics: Definition of the Free End and Fixed End of the Torso; The Longitudinal Axis of the Body; Key Relating to the Head; Turnout of Crossed Gestures; Arms; Successional Turns; Validity
Topics: Cancellation of Inclusion; Statement of Area; Statement of Specific Side/Surface; Joint Signs; Limb Signs; Surface; Discussion and Clarifications of Hand and Arm Signs; Point of Reference for the Arm; Palm and Thumb Facing with Flexed Arms and Divided Arms
Topics: Movement Needs; Motion and Destination Descriptions; Application of the Caret; Do Not Lift the Foot; Specifically Lift the Foot; Meaning of the Staple; The Same Spot; “Zee” or “Zed” Carets; From a Closed to an Open Position; From an Open to a Closed Position; From One Foot to an Open Position; From an Open Position to an Open Position
Topics: Organization of Staves; Use of Repeat and Analogy Signs; Deviating on a Path; Contraction - Interpretation of Surface; Basic Sign for Retention; Body Wheeling; Timing; Inclusions; Emphasis; Accent Signs; Sign for “No Sound”; Bow for Part Leading-Validity
Topics: Palm; Fingers; Alignment of the inside of the Wrist and Elbow
Topics: Principles
Topic: Teaching Advanced Labanotation
Topics: Pelvic Involvement in Arabesques; Twisting vs. Wheeling; Upper Body Movements; Inclusions; Arm Contraction; Black Pins vs. Tacks in Turn Signs; Hips Cancellation; Timing Questions/Discussion; Timing of Hip Movement with Steps; Touches; Opposition Arms During Walking; Timing of Hand Contact for Claps; Terminating Touches (timing convention); Palm Facings for Divided Arms
Topics: George Balanchine Style: The Head and Epualement, The Chest, Hands, Arm Gestures, Movements
Topics: Leg Gestures; Supports; Movements; Positions; Directions; Quality; Timing
Topic: Validity
Topic: Black Diamond
Topics: Validity; Frictionless Turns; Floor Plans (e.g., relative placement of pins)
1984 Discussions
Topic: Balanchine Project
Topics: Balanchine Project; Rehearsal Score
Topics: Dancers; Directors
Topic: Balanchine Project
Topics: Sliding; Center of Gravity; Turns for Whole Arm; Pelvic Tilt in Arabesques; Pins in Chest Turns; Upper-Part-of-the-Body Sign; Inclusions; Tacks in Turn Signs; Hips; Heal Contact in Stepping
Topics: Terminology for “Frictionless” Turns; Grasps; Revolving on a Straight Path; Center of Gravity; Entering and Exiting; Meeting Line; Pins vs. Tacks; Support Bows and Contact Bows; Sliding; Action Stroke
Topics: Labanotator No. 37; Focal Point; Empty Direction Symbol for Pathway; Indication of Peripheral Pathway; Shift or Step
Topics: Old Business; New Business; Feet Touching in First Position; Answers to Jan Moekle (by Ann Hutchinson Guest); Omitting Obvious Taking of Weight; Elongate after Folding; Unfolding after Contraction
Topics: Canceling Inclusions; Surfaces of Body Parts; Extremity of the Arm; Weight Shifts
Topics: Balanchine’s B-Plus Position; Front Attitude; Front Position of the Arms; Subtle Body Movement; Back to Normal Sign Cancel Body Movement or Its Parts; Spot hold
Topics: Space Measurement; Folding
Topic: Balanchine Style
1985 Discussions
Topics: Balanchine Style – Back Attitude; Front Attitude; Glassade; Bows; Passé; En dehors Pirouette; Russian Arabesque; Cou-de-pied; Rond de Jambe en l’air; Balancé; Grand Battement; Soutenu; Jeté en tournant; Live Arms; Crois´Devant; Effacé Devant; Ecarté Devant; Ecarté Derriere
Topic: Timing
Topics: Wavy Line; Pin Usage; Destination Description; Resultant Bows; Body Part Surfaces; Duration Line Vs. Action Stroke; Retained Contact; 8 and 4 Degree Scales for Folding; Center of Gravity in Open Positions; Relationship Indications and Terminology; Wrist Bulge; Facing and Addressing; Canons; Constant Cross; Group Formations; Initiation; Accents
Topics: Double and Single Bar Lines; Wavy Line; General/Loose Statements; "Ad Lib." Has a Period; Modifications of Relationship Bows; Relationship Pins; Space Hold; Destination Description With Freedom of Path; Resultant Bows; Beginning/Ending on Either Foot
Topics: Penetrating and Inside Relationships; Body Part Surfaces; Leading/Guiding, Bulging; Crossed First Position; Retained Contact; Duration Line/Action Stroke; Second Position Ballet Arms; Center of Gravity Over the Balls of the Feet; "Hand" Hooks; Grasping the Waist
June 5, 1985
June 5, 1985
Topics: Hold Sign; Retention symbols
June 5, 1985
June 5, 1985
Topic: Validity of Part Leading (Guidance) Bow
June 5, 1985
June 5, 1985
Topics: Facing/Addressing; Lateral Spreading (Separating) and Closing (Joining); Repeats; Arms; Joint Vs. Limb; Contraction/Folding; Hold Weight; Dynamic Signs
June 6, 1985
June 6, 1985
Topics: Canons: Relating the Extremity of a Limb to the Line of Direction (relating to a person, object, or focal point); Direction for Curved Paths and Turning Space
Topics: Vertical, Arc-Shaped Bows; Motivation; Accents
June 9 and July 3, 1985*
Topics: Placement of Hooks; Blinded Turns; Passive (Resultant) Turns; Turning While Curving; Small Bow (resulting); Cancellation of a Rotation; Cancellation of a Facing Direction by a Rotation Back to Normal; Carry - Hold; Sliding Along the Leg; Folding the Arm; Cancellation of Facing; Layout of the Score; Stage Left/Stage Right- From Director's or Dancer's Point of View
Topics: Placement of Hooks; Blinded Turns; Passive (Resultant) Turns; Turning While Curving; Small Bow (resulting); Cancellation of a Rotation; Cancellation of a Facing Direction by a Rotation Back to Normal; Carry - Hold; Sliding Along the Leg; Folding the Arm; Cancellation of Facing; Layout of the Score; Stage Left/Stage Right- From Director's or Dancer's Point of View
*Note: The material on page 4 of this document is excerpted from minutes dated July 3, 1985
1986 Discussions
1986 Discussions
Topics: Symbol for the Eyes/Buttocks; 6/8 Scale; General/Specific Signs; Shifting hips and Shoulders; Body Part Symbols Inside a Turn Sign; Sitting; Folding/Contracting
June 5-June 12, 1986
June 5-June 12, 1986
Topics: Falling (when the center of gravity is already center, falling of a limb or body part); Either Side or Either Direction; Understood Carriage of the Arms Vs. Straight; Free End Vs. the Extremity of the Arm; Looking Above; Grasps, Touches; Where Are the Fingertips When the Hand is Up (Place High)
Topics: Repeats; Second Position Ballet Arms; Added Detail for Clarification; Cancellation of Rotation/Twist for Body Parts; Repeat Indications; Relationships (meeting lines and mini floor plans); Body Surfaces; Center of Gravity; Nearness; Group Circling in Rank or File; Développé: Use of "V" Sign; Succession Signs; Unfolding; Arms - Placement on the Staff; Head Indications - Sequence of Symbols; Thumb Edge Facings With Arm Rotations
June 10, 1986
June 10, 1986
Topics: Supports - Placement of Hooks; Stepping and Turning Simultaneously; Resultant Bow; Can a Rotation Cancel a Facing?; Head Facings and Head Tilts; Validity of Contacts; Autography - Placement of Pins; Divided Column; Palm Facings, Thumb Facings; Dynamic Signs; Indication of Passive Turning; Timing of Exits for More Than One Dancer; Numbering of Measures and Counts
Topics: Continuation of Circular Path; Two Degree Contraction for Supports; The Exact Performance Symbol Vs. an Asterisk; General Vs. Specific Timing; Sliding Supports and Sliding Steps; Accents
September 3, 1986
September 3, 1986
Topics: Bow With a Hold Sign at the End; Distal Reference; "X" in the Support Column
1987 Discussions
April 1987
1987 Discussions
April 1987
Topics: Body Key; Grasping and Supporting; Timing for Contact and Support Bows; Folding
Topics: Headward and Footward; Enclosing Relationship vs Retention of a Relationship; Timing for Contact and Support Bows
Topics: Short, Vertical Bow; Facing; "o" Sign in the SC Because of Duration Line; Scoring; Hooks on Supports
Topics: Zed Caret with Preparatory Gestures for a Step
June 12, 1987
June 12, 1987
Topics: Contraction of the Arm; Folding of the Arm
1988 Discussion
June 8, 1988
1988 Discussion
June 8, 1988
Topics: Rotating When Off the Vertical; Distance of Sitting; Center of Gravity at the Point of Support; Ambiguous Terminology (Free End, Non Movement Indications); Normal Rotation for Leg Gestures; Time Signs; Definition of Rhythm
Topics: Head’s Position when Lying; Carets and Zed Carets; Resultant Bows; Bows and Addressing; Facings; Grasping
Topics: Floor Plans; Ad Lib; Away Sign as a Cancellation
1998 Discussions
June 8, 1998
1998 Discussions
June 8, 1998
Topics: Succession; Walk with Hip Movement; Foot Hook on Support; Head Area and Head; Accents; Retention in the Body; Turn
Topics: ICKL; Secret Turns; Kin vs LN
1999 Discussions
Topics: Turn Signs and Body Parts; Floor Plans; Partial Weight Cancellation; Disappear; Tick Marks for 6/8 Time; Center of Gravity; Distance When Sitting; Flexion; Angling
Topics: Floor Work, Floor Plan Issue; Cancellation of Partial Support; Center of Weight; Distance of Sitting Down; Floor Plans; Space/Body Widens; Swivel and Non-swivel Turns; Timing of Relationship Bows
Topics: Floor Plan Labels; Floor Work; Floor Plans; Canceling a Partial Weight; 6/8 Time Signature; Center of Gravity; Distance When Sitting; Contraction, Flexing/Bending; Angling; Repeats
Topics: Swivel Turn; Contact Bows
Topics: Falling, Swiveling/Rolling, Scoring; "X", Open Position and Pins with Changement; Hip Signs in Support Column; Inclusions; Folding and Stretching; Carets after Back to Normal Sign; Accent Sign and Sound; Ad Lib with Supports; Folding the Elbow
Topics: Center of Gravity; Staff; Inclusion Bow; Ad Lib
2000 Discussions
Topics: Spatial Variation; Sign for Digital Center; Deviations; Distance of Travel; Length of Step
Topics: Direct Path; Size of Deviation; Time Signs; Initiation Bow; Zed Carets